A Venue for Biblical studies for the Ekklesia

Weekly Video Studies from 2023

The video content found on this page are the video studies presented each Sabbath. Some studies contain additional printable material found under the PDF or HANDOUT buttons. The studies are listed in most recent first order.


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The End, The Beginning  

AUTHOR: Michael NelteSTUDY DATE: 2023-10-08

Appointed Times: 8th Day MP3 VIDEO YouTube

The eighth day is often mentioned in context of the seven days of the Feast of Booths right before it. It is both closely related, yet distinct from the Feast of Booths. The eighth day is too often blurred with the Feast of Booths, when we need to examine it in relation to the Feast, while also keeping it distinct when we need to. How does it fit in with the plan of salvation at both and individual level and at a global plan of salvation? What do YHVH and Jesus do? What is your role in this?

Wait on the LORD  

AUTHOR: Glen WhiteSTUDY DATE: 2023-10-07

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 7 MP3 VIDEO YouTube HANDOUT

In searching the words used in the text, a rich world of meaning materializes. The response to this command does in fact affect our conduct while we wait for the ultimate appearance of the LORD pictured in this Festival. With some explanation I will then use the ministry of Elijah to demonstrate a living historical example of what it means to wait on the LORD.

The Testimony of the Faithful  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2023-10-06

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 6 MP3 VIDEO YouTube

The lives of the servants of YHVH, mentioned in Hebrews 11, serve as a witness and a testimony of their faith and of YHVH's faithfulness. Accordingly, throughout the record of scripture there are examples of YHVH's servants who, facing their own death, declare their testimony as well. That testimony is a wonderful witness and example for us all.

Is It Bad Enough Yet?  

AUTHOR: Les KingSTUDY DATE: 2023-10-05

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 5 MP3 VIDEO YouTube

We are instructed in scripture to "watch for no one knows the hour of His return". The criteria we are given centers around the worsening morality and rejection of YHVH's laws and commandments. Are we prepared for that day or are we waiting for it to get bad enough and when will we know when it is bad enough given the human propensity to adapt to the conditions around us?

Changing the Way We Do Business  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2023-10-04

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 4 MP3 VIDEO YouTube

The Almighty has allowed mankind to pursue his own way rejecting revelation for experimentation and competition. Here we examine some changes that will likely be installed as mankind is directed to the Way that leads to life.

The Feast of Booths  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2023-10-03

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 3 MP3 VIDEO YouTube

In the wilderness, YHVH's dwelling was the tabernacle and Israel dwelt in tents. The instructions Israel was given to make booths and to keep the Feast of Booths were for when they entered the promised land and was only to be done by them. We don't need to make temporary dwellings today. We are temporary dwellings.

Lessons From a Walnut: Cleaning and Sorting the Harvest  

AUTHOR: Michael NelteSTUDY DATE: 2023-10-02

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 2 MP3 VIDEO YouTube

After gathering in the produce from the fields, it is cleaned and sorted - often multiple times. In many cases it needs to sit and dry or mature to become good food. We, like the harvest, pass through multiple cleanings and sorting along our path to salvation. The final product of all this is that we should become good fruit - someone God would want to give eternal life to. The process of being cleaned is not always comfortable in the moment, but the results are worth it.

The Fields Are White for Harvest  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2023-10-01

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 1 MP3 VIDEO YouTube

The Almighty has a plan for mankind. We, through our ancient ancestors, Adam and Eve, have been on a serious detour from the path our Father intended for us. The fall festivals depict the intervention of Yehovah to return us to the path that will lead to eternal life. Mankind will be faced with the same decision presented in the Garden of Eden: will you live by My will that leads to life or insist on your own will that leads to death. There will be a great harvest of God's children.

Day of Coverings: Have you been dyed?  

AUTHOR: Michael NelteSTUDY DATE: 2023-09-26

Appointed Times: Coverings MP3 VIDEO YouTube

What is the Day of Coverings? Have you been covered? The appointed times give us a glimpse into the plan of salvation YHWH has for all mankind. They also give us a glimpse into the path to salvation on an individual basis. Do we need to be covered - is it something that each of us individually needs? If we need it, then what is it? A covering can both hide our sins, or at least take the focus away from them, and it can protect us from the punishment. But are there requirements to be covered? Have your sins been dyed over, allowing you to appear before YHWH?

My Spirit will Not Strive Forever  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2023-09-17

Appointed Times: Trumpets MP3 VIDEO YouTube

The history of mankind is summarized as constant conflict against the revelation of the one true God, Yehovah. The day is coming when Yehovah takes the reigns, returns to this earth to set the affairs of men right.

Finally, Do We Now Have All the Truth?  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2023-07-08

Appointed Times: MP3 VIDEO YouTube

Uncertainty often precedes curiosity and subsequent exploration; this may lead to enlightenment followed again by certainty. So it is with our understanding of scripture. Long ago we discovered "new truth" which cast doubt on our preconceived notions; enlightenment followed and then certainty settled in again: i.e. I am now in the one-and-only-true-church and possess THE truth. Alas, certainty again. In recent years we have indeed received additional enlightenment. Care must now be taken not to settle into a hardened state of certainty; for additional enlightenment will surely come.

Pentecost: The Hope of the Resurrection  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2023-05-28

Appointed Times: Pentecost MP3 VIDEO YouTube

Jesus is described as the first of the first fruits; the first-born of many brethren. His experience sets the pattern for the first fruits harvest: birth, life, repentance/baptism, Holy Spirit, death and resurrection to glory.

Covenants, Blood and Marriage  

AUTHOR: Austin WildtSTUDY DATE: 2023-04-12

Appointed Times: Unleavened Bread Day 7 MP3 VIDEO YouTube

We'll go through the scriptures to see what is said about covenants--what types where were; how many there were; and with whom they were made. We'll also dig a bit into the marriage covenant and see what we find. Scripture, historic records, culture and common understandings are all looked at to see how they stack up to each other.

Breaking Bread and Drinking From the Cup  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2023-04-06

Appointed Times: Unleavened Bread Day 1 MP3 VIDEO YouTube

Over the years, the observance of Passover was ordered by very specific, physical customs and traditions. The true meaning though is to take on Jesus Christ, to live as He lived and do as He did. The observance of the Festival should illustrate what it means to be unleavened spiritually.

Total Videos: 14


Colossians 1:12-14 NKJV

giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.

He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,

in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.

Today's Date