Biblical Understanding based on the Record of Scripture
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Appointed Times: 8th Day MP3 VIDEO YouTube
A major part of our historical understanding was an interpretation of Revelation 20 that described a peaceful Millennium, followed by Satan's rebellion, and then what we referred to as the 2nd and 3rd resurrections. Our understanding placed a harvest where there was none and failed to recognize the harvest that was actually portrayed. There is a way to read Revelation 20, considering YHVH's plan of salvation and the harvest of the nations, and YHVH's promise to the saints.
Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 7 MP3 VIDEO YouTube HANDOUT
You might think that the calendar is an odd topic for the FOT. But what makes it important is that it is an appointed time of YHVH and we should understand why there are those that are our friends are keeping different days for the Appointed Times. This year there are at least 3 different dates for the Feast of Tabernacles from the different calendars in use.
If you are keeping the FOT with us this year you are probably on the same calendar that we are, where the year starts the first visible crescent after the equinox. However there are some folks that keep a barley calendar that is the same as we are this year but they have no association with us.
There are also some brethren that keep a barley calendar that kept their feast a month earlier than us, whom we would consider our friends and brethren. There are also some that keep the Jewish calendar who are our friends and brethren that started their feast on Oct 3, two days before we did.
This study will examine each of these calendars from our perspective, those of us who are attending this Feast.
Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 6 MP3 VIDEO YouTube
In the past I was taught that the Kingdom of God (The Reign of Elohim) is limited to the 1000 year rule of Jesus. Now that I know better how to identify The Father and The Son in scripture I see that they both have different roles in The Reign of Elohim. In this Bible Study you will read verses that you have read many times and because of our understanding that Yehovah is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we can know that the Reign of Elohim exists today, as He is now ruling over those whom He has called and who are allowing Him to rule over their lives.
Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 5 MP3 VIDEO YouTube
Built within our calling is the capability of becoming a teacher of good things. Given a chance and cultivating the desire to share and teach seems residual in our DNA. Most have shied away from public teaching and yet we do it every day. How do you visualize your contribution in the great ingathering that's coming?
Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 4 MP3 VIDEO YouTube
The first half of the book of Isaiah focuses on YHVH coming to put down all rebellion and to establish His reign. The terminology is heavily...the day of YHVH, in that day. The second half of the book changes the focus and includes prophesies of Jesus Christ and of salvation being offered to the Gentiles/nations. The harvest of the nations is pictured by the Feast of Booths and is the third and final harvest celebration of the year.
Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 3 MP3 VIDEO YouTube
As we learn more about scripture and Yehovah's will, you end up going back and revisiting teachings that you were given in the past. This Bible Study is a result of learning that Yehovah is the Father's Name only and how that has changed my understanding of how the Feasts and Harvests of Yehovah are fulfilled and what His role is in them.
Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 2 MP3 VIDEO YouTube
Not a lot of action in this dusty, outback corner of the Empire. But then there are reports of angels visiting; vivid dreams; angelic choir singing the praises of God to shepherds in the hills above Bethlehem. A conference of local scholars and visiting Magi to discuss things messianic. All because of an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 1 MP3 VIDEO YouTube
For the feasts of YHWH, we can spend money on whatever our heart desires. At the Feast of Booths, Jesus taught that if we have the correct desires, then we will be able to identify if a teaching is from YHWH or not. What do you desire? In this study we will look at our desires and how they relate to the Feast of Booths. An example we will use is: what was it that Paul desired?
Appointed Times: Coverings MP3 VIDEO YouTube
The day of YHVH includes a number of events that are not generally attributed to it. That is evident in the book of Isaiah when the terminology is understood. 40% of the references in the Old Testament to "The day of the LORD" and "in that day" are in Isaiah and used to describe that time. Knowing what events are included in the day of YHVH helps us to better understand God's prophetic plan.
Appointed Times: Trumpets MP3 VIDEO YouTube HANDOUT
Yom Teruah a memorial of shouting. Over the past few years we have had studies that show us that the day that we previously called the Day of Trumpets had more to do with shouting than trumpets. The fact is that there are multiple trumpets blown on Yom Teruah in Old Testament times and they are not of the ram's horn variety that the Jews use. In this study we will explore the usages of the words translated as trumpets and try to unravel some of the confusion about them.
Appointed Times: Pentecost MP3 VIDEO YouTube
We are introduced to three festivals as the nascent nation of Israel is entering into covenant relationship with YHVH. What exactly is to be harvested? Harvest implies planting, growth to maturity and timely reaping.
Appointed Times: Unleavened Bread Day 7 MP3 VIDEO YouTube
We are to keep the Feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. The word "sincerity" has a deeper meaning in Greek than it does in English. The original Greek literally means "judged in the light of the sun". Recognizing that deepens our understanding of the purpose for which the festival is to be kept.
Appointed Times: Unleavened Bread Day 1 MP3 VIDEO YouTube
We are told to remember that we were slaves and that God by a strong arm freed us from slavery. Is this just about remembering that the Israelites were slaves and then rescued thousands of years ago? There is a spiritual parallelism to physical slavery and freedom that we should remember and that should be deeply personal to each one of us. We are told on the first day of Unleavened Bread to remember that God freed us from slavery. What is it that leaven represents that we are to be putting out for Unleavened Bread? What is this new lump that we should become? How is this related to slavery - or to being freed from slavery?
Total Videos: 13
Colossians 1:12-14 NKJV
giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.
He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.