A Venue for Biblical studies for the Ekklesia

Weekly Video Studies from 2021

The video content found on this page are the video studies presented each Sabbath. Some studies contain additional printable material found under the PDF or HANDOUT buttons. The studies are listed in most recent first order.


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Mystery of the Millennium - Part 14

Author: Boyd YahnSTUDY DATE: 2021-12-25

  PDF MP3 YouTube

All Bible students know that at some point, they must make their way to and through the Book of Revelation to understand events that God provides a glimpse into. The appearance of the millennium is no different. What is it? When is it? An overview of the Book of Revelation is offered, with its revealing of the Millennium's timing and conditions, and how that ties into other scriptures in the Bible where the millennium is referred to. This is the last in the series, and just as the millennium could not occur before the harvest was completed, so its establishment cannot happen until the new heavens and the new earth are in place. That is the record of scripture.
View Additional articles on this topic at: Related Topic


Three Times A Year

Author: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-12-25


God's plan of salvation is portrayed by the observance of His yearly appointed times, and among those times, there are three special harvest celebrations. The meaning of those festivals is enhanced by some related passages we haven't generally considered.

So, You Want To Be A Servant of God

Author: Boyd YahnSTUDY DATE: 2021-12-18

  MP3 YouTube

Our destiny is to become servants of God and it is important to read the Bible through the lens of becoming just that. To fulfil that role, how much understanding of the scriptures, which show the will of our Master, would we need to know to do it right? If we currently understand 15% of the Bible, what might we do to increase that, so that we would better understand the Father and Christ? If God gave us full understanding of the scriptures, could we handle it in our spiritual condition as it is? If God gave full understanding to someone else, how might we deal with that? The condition of our spirit, and how it has been poisoned by wrong drivers, stands in the way of us becoming the servants we need to be. Recognizing envy as one of those poisons is a key to removing it and allowing God to teach us the things we need to know to fulfill our destiny.


King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Author: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-12-18


References to King of Kings and Lord of Lords are repeated in scripture but they have often not been properly ascribed. When you consider the continuity of the record of scripture, and understand the structure of the Greek language in which some of the references have been preserved, then their use is consistent. They are used exclusively for God the Father.

The Seven Seals of Revelation  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-12-11

  MP3 YouTube

In studying the Book of Revelation it is important to understand what was known before the book was delivered. This session will take a step back to consider briefly what was known about "end of the age" before we examine the Seven Seals.

Run to Win!  

AUTHOR: Michael NelteSTUDY DATE: 2021-12-04

  MP3 YouTube

1 Cor 9:24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.

Mystery of the Millennium - Part 13  

AUTHOR: Boyd YahnSTUDY DATE: 2021-11-27

  MP3 YouTube

As God reveals more and more of His plan, we should be moving to understand YHVH and the Christ better, and how they work. The saints will be involved far more in the establishment of God's Kingdom on the earth than we have previously considered. As the Father and Christ are one in purpose, so we need to become one with that purpose as we are shown it. We take a look at how to recognize each of them in the Old Testament, by examining who is speaking in the text, and also the spirit of the speaker in the text. Knowing such, YHVH and His Servant are more easily recognized, and our attitude as future servants of God is shown for what it needs to be. God does indeed reveal much of His plan to restore all things, which the ecclesia will be a part of. We look at what that plan actually is and how it is consistently spoken of across large blocks of scripture. The vast majority of references are pre-millennial, and can read like history in advance, which prophecy is, when we understand where they go. We place yet more events between the book ends of our map.
View Additional articles on this topic at: Related Topic

The Kingdom of YHVH (Millennium - Part 12)  

AUTHOR: Boyd YahnSTUDY DATE: 2021-11-20


The revelation from God to man, is recorded in scripture. Our understanding of that revelation, is largely dependent on what we will actually choose to believe when we read it. When we do believe it, much understanding is opened to us, and many puzzle pieces fall into place, at times in an overwhelming way. We look at some of those pieces of the puzzle falling into place, when we understand that the millennium and the setting up of the kingdom of God, are separate things entirely, and separated by a time much longer than we had previously considered or understood.

The Gospel and the Harvest  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-11-13

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

The Father's plan of salvation for all of mankind, proclaimed as the gospel of the Kingdom of God, is portrayed by the stages of the harvest, as they existed in Bible times. Our understanding of that plan has been limited by embedded traditions but is now opening in a significant way. The key is in being able to better understand both the the gospel and the harvest.

YHVH's Love or Agape Love?  

AUTHOR: Les KingSTUDY DATE: 2021-11-06

  MP3 YouTube

This presentation will cover aspects of YHVH's love shown to us in 1 Cor 13 and is a love that is rooted in actions. It will also show that a common belief that the Greek word for love, "agape" is equal to YHVH's love is a narrative and not supported by scripture.

Four Views of Revelation  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-10-30

  MP3 YouTube

A multitude of commentaries on the Book of Revelation have accumulated. All attempting to make sense of the mysteries, strange symbols and prophetic events. Generation after generation of Bible students have attempted to sort through and make sense of "things which must shortly take place".

The Meaning of the 8th Day  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-29

Appointed Times: 8th Day Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

There are two basic ways to understand the meaning of the appointed time, the 8th Day, which is kept after the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles. One is to recognize how the number 8 is used in the Bible, and the other is to consider the concluding prophetic portrayals in the timeline of scripture. Both God and Jesus Christ are going to reign forever and ever and that is an essential key in seeking to understand the meaning of this day.


Author: Glen WhiteSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-28

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 7 MP3 YouTube

After the Father and the Christ return and take full control, the populace will see their teachers. Our teacher training starts sooner thatn most realize. Also asking and answering the question: What is the best way to retain knowledge?


Dating the Crucifixion

Author: Les KingSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-28

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 7 PDF MP3 YouTube

While this doesn't seem to be a topic one would see at the Feast of Tabernacles, the study itself started to be about finding the beginning of the Sabbatical cycles of 7 years leading to the 7 weeks of 7 years discussed in Leviticus 25. As well as being able to see the possible start of the Sabbatical cycle there are some other calendar implications that are present and related to the timing of the Feast of Tabernacles this year.

The New Jerusalem  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-27

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 6 Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

Abraham looked forward to dwelling with God in the city He had promised. That city is the New Jerusalem, in which both God the Father and Jesus Christ will dwell during the millennium. God is going to dwell on the earth together with His children.

Ask - With Boldness and Trust  

AUTHOR: Glen WhiteSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-26

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 5 MP3 YouTube

Seeking our Father's face eagerly with boldness, humility and trusting expectation. What Father would not rejoice when one of His children trusts Him and with confidence approachs Him with their requests? Jesus Christ gave us the Father's words and He said, "ask and you shall receive." Jesus said it is on the Father's mind to give us the Kingdom. How bold are we in asking for the necessary gifts?

Don't Crush Your Can  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-25

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 4 MP3 YouTube

The choices each of us makes, very early in life, can impact our future. Some choices make little difference, but others can limit our physical potential in significant ways. This is not about what happens to us externally but about the choices that each of us makes for ourselves.

How Much Is Enough?  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-10-24

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 3 MP3 YouTube

There is a continual effort to convince us that we should be unsatisfied with what we have. Is it possible to define enough? Must we be forever in pursuit of more? Will the millennium be similar to pursuing the great American dream? God's word provides guidance.

The Devil Knows My Name  

AUTHOR: Austin WildtSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-23

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 2 MP3 YouTube

It is a look at how Satan responds when we take action on what God has inspired us to do. When God moves, Satan moves. When we move in accordance with God, Satan moves. We will be going thru examples of this on a personal level, a church level, and a global level and how if you're under attack??? you're probably on the right track.

The Fear of YHVH  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-22

Appointed Times: Tabernacles Day 1 Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

The Feast of Tabernacles is a time YHVH appointed for us to worship Him. It is a time of great rejoicing but it is also a time to learn to fear YHVH our God (Deuteronomy 14:23). Our Godly fear includes what we do, but more fundamentally, it is what we are. It is our response to having been called to be part of the family of God.

Join us Friday, October 22, at 12:00 Pacific time for the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles

The Excuse and the Reason  

AUTHOR: Boyd YahnSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-17

  MP3 YouTube

God the Father is the maker of our spirits, and we are charged to become one in spirit with both He and the Christ. This world is run by humanity generally, following the prince of the power of the air, the wrong spirit chosen by man in the garden. It is the foundation of this world, and God's Ecclesia are not immune to its influence. It is our spirit that goes back to God when we die, and if it is defiled, that is not a good thing. We look at defiled in a closer way so that we might remove those imperfections and become similar to Christ in spirit. The 144,000 have no guile in their spirits, and we need to know what that is, and other imperfections as well, and cleanse our spirits as per 2 Corinthians 7:1.

The Covering Over of Sin  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonREVISED: 2021-10-17

Appointed Times: Coverings Outline/Transcript HANDOUT

Atonement pictures the opening events of YHVH's plan to offer salvation to all of mankind. It portrays the covering of sin, in relationship to God the Father, rather than the forgiveness of sin. It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Forgiveness comes only by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

As Iron Sharpens Iron  

AUTHOR: Michael NelteSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-16

  MP3 YouTube

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
How iron sharpens iron, how a sharp blade improves the quality of a knife, and how we are to be improving the quality of the brethren, and we are to be improved by them. Look in the Bible to see how this can be done.

The Time of the Dead  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-09

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

God's plan of salvation is for all of mankind to have the opportunity to know Him. Those who receive that opportunity in this life and are faithful will become the firstfruits of YHVH's spiritual harvest. But the great ingathering of the harvest, the opportunity for salvation for the vast majority of mankind, will take place by a resurrection from the dead.

Appointed Times - The Day of YHVH  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-08

Appointed Times: Trumpets Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

The Feast of Trumpets is like a fulcrum between the two great harvest seasons, the harvest of the firstfruits and the harvest of the rest of mankind. It is a day of blasting out a warning. It is the day that God the Father comes and begins to directly intervene in the affairs of mankind.

Join us this Friday, October, 8th at 12:00 pm Pacific time for the Appointed Time of the Feast of Trumpets.

The Appointed Times  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-10-02

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube HANDOUT

The appointed times are the times YHVH appointed for man to assemble to worship before Him. Each portrays elements of His plan of salvation but they do not portray all prophetic events. Both God the Father and Jesus Christ are part of the meaning and fulfillment of each festival.

Revelation 2: Glorify Thy Son  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-09-25

  MP3 YouTube

The night Jesus was betrayed he prayed: "Father, the hour has come. Glorify your son that your son may also glorify you." Thus the Book of Revelation, declaring that "the time is near", opens by focusing on the glory of God and his first born.

The Sacrifice of Our Conscience  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-09-18

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

In Judgment, our measure will not simply be whether we did right or wrong or whether we got caught. Our measure is going to include our conscience. What we knew, when we knew it, and what we did about it. Our conscience is part of what we lay down in sacrifice to YHVH and it must be pure.

Revelation: Another Look  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-09-11

  MP3 YouTube

There are four basic approaches used by commentators to sort out the meaning of this mysterious book. We'll take a closer look and examine the COG's historical approach. We may find greater care should be taken in how we draw conclusions.

Understanding Scripture - Part 2  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-09-04

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube HANDOUT

In order to understand scripture, we need to personally study the text; we need to be aware of the impact of our environment; and we need to appraise the arguments of those who teach. We also need to go beyond reading the Bible as an English book and consider the meaning that is contained in the original Hebrew and Greek.

The Book of the Covenant  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-08-28

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

We are all familiar with the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. The three chapters that follow contain judgments based on the Ten. Some are familiar and straight forward; others strange and rather arbitrary to our 21st Century. This week we take a closer look.

A Temple For The Name of YHVH  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-08-21

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

YHVH's presence was in the tabernacle and the temple that followed but the temple today is the Ekklesia. Ezekiel prophesied of a future temple that will exist when Israel is restored to their land and YHVH is no longer hiding His face from them. He will again dwell in Israel's midst but The Church of The God is the temple where YHVH's presence is today.

Live By Every Word of God  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-08-14

  MP3 YouTube

To "live by every word of God" we must recognize that God's word is consistent, unwavering. Basic definitions of common words or concepts from God's instruction (torah) prevents misunderstanding the message Jesus brought and his apostles expounded.

YHVH is My Shepherd  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-08-07

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube HANDOUT

Our Father is intimately involved in our lives; from our creation, to our calling, to our spiritual development, to when we die and our course in this life is finished. Jesus Christ also cares for us and set a perfect example for us to follow, but He never directed us to Himself. God the Father is His God and our God and He directed us to Him.

The Bible Jesus Read  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-07-31

  MP3 YouTube

The so-called "Old Testament" represents roughly 3/4 of the Bible. Along with the apostolic writings it forms the foundation of the household of God. Jesus defeated the Devil's attempt to influence him by quoting Deuteronomy. The holy scriptures make one wise unto salvation, said Paul to Timothy. One cannot properly understand God's plan/purpose without it.

The Word of Truth  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-07-24

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube HANDOUT

God's words are true and it is His voice we need to hear when we study the scriptures rather than just the echo of our own thoughts and opinions. One subject to study in seeking to hear our Father's voice is Where God Places His Name. It is an important subject that impacts the way we worship YHVH.

Acts - The Problem of Historical Precedent  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-07-17

  MP3 YouTube

The Book of Acts records the early history of the post-resurrection Assembly of God. Does this account provide the norm to be restored or perhaps the ideal to be approximated? Does the account provide us with the pattern of behavior for the modern era?

The Legacy Of Our Life  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-07-10

  MP3 YouTube

Our legacy is what we leave behind when we die. It is what those who knew us will remember about us. Those memories will include both what we did do and what we didn't do, but more fundamentally, they will include whether we focused on the future or on the past.

The Reality of Life, Post Calling  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-07-03

  MP3 YouTube

Being called out of a world focused on the abundance of possessions and consumption presents a number of challenges and paradoxes. If we measure our progress as Christians by the values of this world rather than the purpose of God we are in for a rough ride.

The God of Bethel  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-06-26

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube HANDOUT

The God of Bethel is the God who appeared to Jacob in a dream at Luz. Afterwards Jacob named it Bethel which means The House of God. Genesis 35 shows that the One who appeared to Jacob was God Almighty which is exclusively a reference to the Father.

Pentecost 2021  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-06-20

Appointed Times: Pentecost MP3 YouTube

God continues to do a good work in bringing many children to eternal life. The harvest of first fruit is the culmination event promised from the foundation of the world. At long last this mortal will put on immortality.

In God We Trust

Author: Glen WhiteSTUDY DATE: 2021-06-19

  MP3 YouTube

How would you describe the spiritual world we all know exists? It is part of our understanding and culture. Is it vivid enough to be of interest to the children? Examples of spiritual power in action. The resurrection to the spirit world.


Spiritual Awareness

Author: Rick MatthewsSTUDY DATE: 2021-06-19

  MP3 YouTube

Who do you trust? Men have been proven untrustworthy for the most part.

Physical and Spiritual Resiliency  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-06-12

  MP3 YouTube

Our lives contain both obstacles and opportunities, and many times, they begin in the same place. We need to strive to live in a way that fosters hope and encouragement rather than that which produces discouragement and despair.

The Calling of God  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-06-05

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

What is a calling? What Hebrew and Greek words are used to represent a calling? Who does the calling and what is the purpose of it?

Understanding Bible Terms - Part 3   ⇦ PREV

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-05-29

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

Using the Hebrew and the Septuagint to better understand some of the NT Greek. The New Covenant.

Romans 9,10,& 11: Calling, Rejection and Restoration of Israel  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-05-22

  MP3 YouTube

It has been almost 20 centuries since Paul penned the letter to the Romans. Considerable space is devoted to the relationship between Jew and Gentile and the status of the descendants of Israel. Are there lessons for God's Ekklesia today?

When God Pours Out His Spirit  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-05-15

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

YHVH works with us to fulfill His will, and if we follow His lead, then our salvation is secure. But if we draw back, our salvation is at risk. We live by responding to our Father when He pours out His Spirit.

The Ministry Of The Word  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-05-08

  MP3 YouTube

Paul instructed Timothy that the word of God was profitable, for teaching, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. Does this not imply that we will encounter need for correction; that our current state of righteousness is lacking; that some portion of our "doctrinal integrity" may be in error? We must take care to use the scripture as God intended. We must be willing to acknowledge our errors and correct them in the light of scripture. Tradition and interpretation must not take precedence over revelation.

Note: This presentation was given on December 30, 2017 at Mark's retirement. Mark chose to not speak as access was being restricted. After Terry spoke he was informed that his sermon was inappropriate and it would not be posted. It is being shared here and will also be included in the Restored Sermons category.

In This You Greatly Rejoice  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-05-04

Appointed Times: Unleavened Bread Day 7 MP3 YouTube

1 Peter 1:6

Are We Getting Our House In Order?  

AUTHOR: Rick MatthewsSTUDY DATE: 2021-05-01

  MP3 YouTube

Matthew 25:13 - Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor hour in which the Son of Man is coming.

What Does It Mean to be Unleavened?  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-04-28

Appointed Times: Unleavened Bread Day 1 Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

Leavening, during the Days Of Unleavened Bread, pictures the swelling infection of sin and the contagious nature of its presence. Our Father sent His Son to deliver us from being in bondage to sin so that we might truly be unleavened.

All Things New  

AUTHOR: Glen WhiteSTUDY DATE: 2021-04-24

  MP3 YouTube

Explore the understanding of the scripture found in 2 Cort 5:17.

Let There Be Light - Part 2   ⇦ PREV

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-04-17

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

Observing YHVH's calendar is our personal responsibility as it directs us in our worship. It was established from creation and allows us to worship YHVH wherever we are. A calendar interpreted and administered by men directs us to men. YHVH's calendar directs us to Him.

The New Covenant in My Blood - Part 2   ⇦ PREV

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-04-10

  MP3 YouTube

Part 2 of this message on the New Covenant.

YHVH's Covenant Relationships  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-04-03

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

There are two relationships portrayed by YHVH's covenants. One is based on works; obey and your sins are covered. The other is based on faith; believe and your sins are forgiven. Neither are marriage covenants. Doctrine must be based on the record of scripture and not the traditions of men.

The New Covenant in My Blood - Part 1   NEXT ⇨

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-03-27

  MP3 YouTube

What is the New Covenant? Why is blood required for sacrifices? Why did ancient Israel not obey the terms of the covenant? What was the result?

Personal Responsibility  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-03-20

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

There are men who want to be followed and there are people who want to follow a man. Put them together and you can form a church. Jesus Christ directed us to his Father and that is where our focus must be. We must take personal responsibility for choosing to follow Christ's example and not become followers of men.

Interpreting Scripture  

AUTHOR: Terry SwagertySTUDY DATE: 2021-03-13

  MP3 YouTube

A look at basic principles of Bible Study and application; what does a Berean approach to Bible Study look like?

Understanding Bible Terms - Part 2   NEXT ⇨

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-03-06

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

The meaning of forgiveness and atonement with physical Israel and elements of the calendar and the observance of Passover.

Preach the Gospel  

AUTHOR: Rick MatthewsSTUDY DATE: 2021-02-27

  MP3 YouTube

Preaching the Gospel to the world. What did Jesus preach? What did he commission the disciples to do? What is our responsibility?

YHVH's Passover  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-02-20

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

The old testament provides the platform for the new. YHVH defines the Passover in both cases. Jesus did not institute a Passover different from what His Father created.

Let There Be Light!   NEXT ⇨

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-02-13

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

The Jewish calendar is based on calculations. YHVH's calendar is based on the sightings of the sun and moon. God made his laws simple enough so that our children can understand. This study discusses the biblical day, week, month, and year.

Restoring The Faith  

AUTHOR: Mark MickelsonSTUDY DATE: 2021-02-06

  Outline/Transcript MP3 YouTube

The foundation of our Faith.

Total Videos: 60


Leviticus 23:34-36 NKJV

Speak to the children of Israel, saying: 'The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days to the LORD.

On the first day there shall be a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work on it.

For seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire to the LORD. On the eighth day you shall have a holy convocation, you shall offer an offering made by fire to the LORD. It is a sacred assembly, and you shall do no customary work on it.

For seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire to the LORD. On the eight day you shall have a holy convocation, and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the LORD. It is a sacred assembly, and you shall do no customary work.

Today's Date